主餐 Main Courses


供應時間: 11:30AM~ 21:00  Available 11:30AM~ 21:00

花椰菜派 Broccoli Pie $250

法式洋蔥培根派 Quiche Lorraine $250

培根雞肉派 Bacon Chicken Pie $280

咖哩雞肉派 Curry Chicken Pie $280

蘑菇牛肉派 Mushroom Beef Pie $290

紅酒牛肉派 Red Wine Beef Pie $290

起司海鮮派 Cheese Seafood Pie $290

牧羊人派 Shepherd’s Pie $290

個人最低消費 $100 元另加 10% 小費. Minimum order $100 plus a 10% tip.


(以上為單點價格,套餐附濃湯、水果沙拉、甜派及咖啡或紅茶只要 加 $100 元)


(You can add an extra $100 to upgrade your meal above with a soup, a fruit salad, a slice of pie, and a cup of coffee or tea.)

派店單品系列 À LA CARTE

供應時間: 11:30AM~ 21:00  Available 11:30AM~ 21:00

培根酪 Baked Cheese Bacon $220

主廚沙拉 Chef Salad $220

烤洋芋 Baked Potato $220

鮮果沙拉 Fresh Fruits Salad $270

挪威煙燻鮭魚 Smoked Salmon $280

法式鵝肝醬 Goose-Liver Paste $280

德國豬腳 German Pork Knuckle $550 (需預訂) (Please order in advance)

(套餐加 $100 元附濃湯、水果沙拉、甜派及咖啡或紅茶)

(You can add an extra $100 to upgrade your meal above with a soup, a fruit salad, a slice of pie, and a cup of coffee or tea.)

派店濃湯 (小) Soup of Today (Small bowl) $60

派店濃湯 (大) Soup of Today (Large bowl) $100

白飯 (碗) Rice $25

加一份麵 Spaghetti 30

個人最低消費 $100 元另加 10% 小費. Minimum order $100 plus a 10% tip.

派店義大利麵餐點 SPAGHETTI

供應時間: 11:30AM~ 21:00  Available 11:30AM~ 21:00

蕃茄義大利麵 Spaghetti With Tomato Sauce $260

蒜味白汁義大利麵 Spaghetti With Garlic White Sauce $270 (以上餐點可作素食料理)

義大利肉醬麵 Spaghetti With Meat Sauce $270

鮪魚義大利麵 Spaghetti With Tuna Sauce $280

咖哩雞肉義大利麵 Spaghetti With Curry Chicken $280 (不辣/小辣/重辣/非常辣) (non/mild/medium/very) spicy

紅酒牛肉義大利麵 Red Wine-Cooked Beef Spaghetti $290

海鮮義大利麵 Spaghetti with Seafood $290

加一份麵 Spaghetti + $30

(以上為單點價格,套餐附濃湯、水果沙拉、甜派及咖啡或紅茶只要 加 $100 元)

(You can add an extra $100 to upgrade your meal above with a soup, a fruit salad, a slice of pie, and a cup of coffee or tea.)


個人最低消費 $100 元另加 10% 小費. Minimum order $100 plus a 10% tip.


供應時間: 11:30AM~ 21:00  Available 11:30AM~ 21:00

蘑菇白汁雞柳 Chicken Fillet With Mushroom White Sauce $280

咖哩雞肉燴飯 Curry Chicken With Rice $280 (不辣/小辣/重辣/非常辣) (non/mild/medium/very) spicy

特製雞丁燴飯 Chicken À La King $280

起司牛肉培根卷 Cheese Beef and Bacon Rolls $280

紅酒牛肉燴飯 Red Wine-Cooked Beef With Rice $290

加白飯(碗) Rice + $25

(以上為單點價格,套餐附濃湯、水果沙拉、甜派及咖啡或紅茶只要 加 $100 元)

(You can add an extra $100 to upgrade your meal above with a soup, a fruit salad, a slice of pie, and a cup of coffee or tea.)

個人最低消費 $100 元另加 10% 小費. Minimum order $100 plus a 10% tip.

派店焗烤系列餐點 AU GRATIN

供應時間: 11:30AM~ 21:00  Available 11:30AM~ 21:00

焗烤蕃茄義大利麵 (飯) Tomato Gratin (with Rice or Spaghetti) $280

焗烤蒜味白汁義大利麵 (飯) Garlic White Sauce Gratin (with Rice or Spaghetti) $290

焗烤起司花椰 Broccoli Gratin $280

焗烤馬鈴薯 Potato Gratin $280

(以上餐點可作素食料理 Those above can be served vegetarian.)


焗烤咖哩雞肉義大利麵 (飯) Curry Chicken Gratin (with Rice or Spaghetti) (不辣/小辣/重辣/非常辣) (non/mild/medium/very) spicy $290

焗烤紅酒牛肉義大利麵 (飯) Red Wine-Cooked Beef Gratin (with Rice or Spaghetti) $300

焗烤海鮮義大利麵 (飯) Seafood Gratin (with Rice or Spaghetti) $300

(以上為單點價格,套餐附濃湯、水果沙拉、甜派及咖啡或紅茶只要加 $100 元)

(You can add an extra $100 to upgrade your meal above with a soup, a fruit salad, a slice of pie, and a cup of coffee or tea.)

加一份起司 (Double cheese ) $40 加白飯 Extra ice + $20, 加麵 Extra spaghetti + $30

個人最低消費 $100 元另加 10% 小費. Minimum order $100 plus a 10% tip.